Third project meeting in Latvia 15-17.11.2019
The third project meeting took place in Ambeli in Latvia on 15-17.11.2019. All project partners participated. There were many issues to discuss. We started to discuss the database and the homepage. Davis presented different technical options. After that we discussed the content of the legislation booklet and inventory booklet. Latvians and Estonians told about their arranged legislation workshops. Estonians told about their seed saver educations that had been arranged in August and October.
On the second day, we changed information on different projects running in the region. Thank's to Guntra our project got a good visibility in the Dynaversity project homepage. Our project had been selected as a case study. Administrative issues and financing was discussed as well as voluntary and development agreements. Most of the mobilities were now done.

In the evening, we had the chance to participate in Latvian Independence celebrations. The program was exclusive, and we enjoyed it very much. Our Lithuanian project members did also preform some songs for the local people. During the meeting we did also visit a local garden.