Estonian seed savers at training in Denmark 15-18.02.2019
On 15-18.02.2019, six Estonian NGO Maadjas members participated in the seed saver training arranged in Denmark during the project Growing Seed Savers. On the first day we had a visit to the Botanical Garden and got introduced to several plant species with interesting stories to tell. The second and third day we tested the seed saver training program that had been developed by the Danish partners in the project.
We got both new information as well as our existing skills were confirmed through the education. This gave a lot of self-confidence to several members, we knew that we are on the right track, so to say. (Annika Michelson)
We got a good presentation about what kind of plant diseases there are and how they may affect our activities. It was interesting to see the huge amount of literature that is available on heritage plants. Seeing the literature helped us also to decide on what kind of handbooks could be good to get. During the second training day we got good knowledge on how to clean in practice different seeds and how to do selections among carrots for seed.