Seed legislation workshop in Estonia 06.09.2019
On 6th September, a workshop about Estonian seed legislation was arranged at the Estonian Open Air Museum in Tallinn. An analogue seminar was arranged in Riga, Latvia 30th May 2019. The seminar was arranged as part of the Growing Seed Savers project. NGO Maadjas had arranged a large exhibition of different heritage varieties that have been found in Estonia. This was the first time such kind of an exhibition was arranged. The seminar was opened by Anu Kannike, researcher on food from Estonian Folk Museum, with a lecture on Food and Cultural Heritage. Up till now different traditional foods are done according to old recipes but not by using old heritage varieties. As we now have found several of them, we will soon be able to also cook food by using these old varieties. We found that the opinions of different actors slowly are getting closer. It is in all parties interest that we manage to grow in-situ, use and preserve our heritage varieties. Members from Denmark and Latvia participated also in the workshop.