Second project meeting in Estonia 18-20.01.2019
The second project meeting was kept at Sae farm in Kuusalu municipal in Estonia under quite extreme winter conditions. It was snowing a lot and also the electricity in our hostel was gone when we arrived in the evening. The following morning greeted us with both electricity and nice winter weather.
Imbi Jäetma at Sae farm told us about the history of the farm. Sae farm have Estonian native sheep and native hens. They have specialised in wool production and do also sell spinning handicraft equipment. The farm has large semi-natural meadows, and the sheep are guarded by Maremmano-Abruzzese guard dogs. That is needed as the farm is located in Lahemaa National Park, and there are all the big predators - bear, wolf and lynx.
At the meeting, the database, legislation and garden inventory related issues were discussed. Administrative issues were also discussed.