Discussing interpretation of seed legislation in Estonia, 09.05.2019

NGO Maadjas arranged a discussion with experts on genetic resources at the Ministry of Rural Apparis at 9th May 2019. Ten representatives from the Ministry of Rural Affairs, Agricultural Board and several expert participated in the discussion. First we had big difficulties in finding a common time that would suit all necessary experts but luckily we found that at the end. Annika Michelson and Anneli Banner represented NGO Maadjas at the meeting. The parties had different views on how the seed law should be interpreted, especially on how seeds can be sold and marketed. NGO Maadjas stand point is that heritage seeds of small amounts must be able to sell in order to ensure own local heritage seeds survival in-situ. The Agricultural Board has an opinion that the law is for all actors, both small and large seed sellers. According to them it is also prohibited to distribute (give and exchange) seeds. We separated with the promise to meet  again to discuss the issue.